Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Process Management Architectures - MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Business Process Management Enterprise Architectures. Answer: Introduction Business process architecture includes a blueprint for the organization that help analyse the strategic objectives as against the demands that are put across(Weske, 2012). Business architecture enables development of a bridge in the enterprise model as against the various functionalities to include the diversified range of aspects that is catered to by the organization goals. Thus, this structure incorporates operational, motivational as well as analytical frameworks that can help extend a competitive structure. The scope of the current business report is for a medium sized business located in Brisbane in Queensland that has approximately between 20 to 200 employees. There are 7 formal functional departments within the organization. The business provides entertainment packages to clients and also refunds them in case they are not satisfied with their services(Jeston, 2014). Though the business was functioning well but recent trends depicts a downward trend that might be due to global financial crisis. The business architecture provided will allow the business to come outside the purview of this challenge faced and overcome the situation. The report highlights the importance of business process architecture to this client by identifying potential process solutions. The implementation aspects of such business processes in enhancing effectiveness of the client organization and certain recommendations are encompassed in the discussion(Ko, 2009). The recreational business of the firm had been operating in a good manner experiencing growth however recent trends have been depicts various challenges of the business. The organization has several departments consisting of operations, human resources, procurement, sales, accounting, marketing, research and development(Choi, 2008). All these separate departments is headed by the CEO of the organization, who has over 10 years of experience within the industry. Though there are separate departments and allocation of tasks and responsibilities there is a lag in knowledge and experience of each of departmental managers. Each and every departmental heads do not have adequate skills and responsibilities that can match effectiveness to the current structure present. There is a delusion of roles and responsibilities amongst managers and lag in leadership qualities that have hampered the business and caused diversions to meet its designated goals(Becker, 2013). The organization is currently experiencing immense competitive threats and pressures due to lag in professionalism and leadership qualities. It is facing immense threats from tackling issues pertaining to delivery for each departments to meet designated goals. Thus, the proposed solution is aimed at suggesting an appropriate business process architecture framework. Business Process Architecture and its effectiveness Globalization along with technological advent has led to complex structure and diversified customers as well as employee bases(Caetano, 2009). The challenges faced by current business are more complex in nature hence requires greater capabilities that require organization to adopt an integrated approach towards their businesses and customers. Thus, the relevance and importance of Business Architecture. Business architecture presents a view of the organization such that all aspects of the business can be presented in an integrated manner. A business process architecture comprises of a blueprint for the organization such that strategic initiatives can be aligned to meet its demands and goals(Muller, 2008). The scope of the current organization involves providing leisure based services to its diversified customer base, which are its goals. Thus, its vision is to satisfy client by providing appropriate packages at adequate price levels that allows to perform various functionalities. In o rder to cater to various functionalities of the business each departments needs to work in a coordinated manner and align their strategies accordingly. Business process architecture allows for capturing business strategies within its capabilities such that each and every department of the business can perform various functions(Smart, 2009). All such strategies are aligned to value streams such that knowledge is shared in a semantic manner from customers, supplier, orders and feedback as well. Within the organizational view various roles, composition and business units along with capabilities are captured in a manner such that internal and external units can be properly handled. In the business process architecture each segment of the business is well segmented to allow for strategical filtration(Ren, 2012). A business strategy is divided and sub divided into people processes and technology and the core business processes deliver such that they can meet these diversified functions. strategies are formed by taking into account customer needs and dispositions. As the scope of the current business is to deliver and cater to leisure activities, in order to be competitive it needs to understand and undertake extensive competition analysis(Schelp, 2007). Customer market research for demands of specific products can lead to understand the diminishing market share for the Company. Instead of relying on global trends of decreasing market share, market research regarding recent trends in travel and tourism can allow fruitful insights. Understanding of customer needs by marketing department will help provide relevant insights to the research team who will be able to un dertake innovation in similar lines. Then sales team can target individuals according to STP techniques. Particular Segmentation Target Positioning techniques will help achieve success and generate revenue for the purpose of the organization(Vom Brocke, 2010). Further operational team can undertake relevant tie-ups will suppliers such that overall costs reduction can be easily achieved. Suppliers and other vendors of the business can deliver cost effectiveness by Value Chain Analysis for the business. Operations can be enhanced by means of technology and process integration within the same infrastructure. Value from the business can only be derived in terms of integrated management conducted by the business. Once all relevant and separate aspects of the business is integrated then effectiveness can easily be delivered(Simon, 2014). Steady communication needs to be maintained within each aspects of the organization such that there are no conflicts and one department can work in accor dance to another department. Thus, implementation of business process architecture will allow for customer satisfaction and catering to services in a value based manner such that efficiency can be established. Gaps in Processes Accommodating in business process architecture can help get higher efficiency and management in existing goals(Pulkkinen, 2007). Business process architecture allows for integration of business higher levels strategies into the existing framework to derive values within the scopes of the business. The current organization has various gaps within its departments that can prevent from accommodating for business process architecture. Various gaps in the business processes have already been identified before. The following are some of the diagnosed gaps as ; At the top management level: Though the current CEO is managing the business for a prolonged period of years, yet there are various gaps in his skills. The CEO lacks leadership skills and strategies adopted by him in highly competitive markets are fragmented by means of differentiated terms(Kurpjuweit, 2009). The Company under his leadership has accepted external strategic influences for functioning which opens up the Company to more strategic threats. Strategic goals of the Company needs to analyse external and internal factors to capabilities to devise strategies thus, there is a gap which needs to be accommodated within the scope of the organization such that it is able to make effective strategies. At managerial levels: there are tremendous levels of gaps as well hindrances that exist at the managerial levels of the organization. Though there is departmentalization within the organization yet there prevail immense amounts of lags in capabilities of each personnel(Al-Debei, 2010). Departments within the organization consist of operations, human resources, procurement, sales, accounting, marketing and research and development. Firstly Operations manager is the only organized department within the scope of the organization, but there are frequent conflicts that they have with human resources manager. The Operations manager manages responsibilities of 10 staffs reporting directly to the CEO, handling all necessary paper works. The functionality of the operations department is lagging and as the department works efficiently it can be allocated greater responsibilities to coordinate work processes in regards to customer bookings and other work aspects(Amit, 2015). The Human Resource Departmental manager has no prior experiences in the field and has responsibilities in areas of finance. Though the department is responsible for carrying on responsibilities of recruitment, induction, HR legislative compliance, employee departures but it seldom cater to its responsibilities well. Further, there are no functionalities of the department in respect to performance appraisals and training or other pertinent aspects that can enrich employees and bring about engagement process such that they can contribute to the business architecture(Myrick, 2007). Procurement manager is highly inefficient as it is not able to cater to its responsibilities and handle supplier relationships well. Though he reports to the Sales Manager such line of authority is invalid for the current organizational scope. As procurement is not directly related to sales also there are conflicts of procurement manager with that of sales manager and operations manager. Sales manager comes with no formal degrees or education and has differences with accounting manager. Lines of authority for Sales Manager is also poorly defined, also there are various conflicts between each departments. Process Integration: Due to communication gaps existing amongst various departments and conflicts amongst them there is lack in process integration. In order to render value to customers various processes within the organization needs to be integrated and delivered value. Information needs to flow dynamically and rapidly throughout the organization such that decisions can be taken in an informed manner. BPMN Process Flow Diagram The below is a BPMN process flow diagram that includes various aspects of the business into its framework. For the purpose of catering to customer needs all departments needs to take integrated decisions and process flow has to be enhanced to increase effectiveness. The business processes includes customers one side and suppliers on the other to cater to needs and demands of its various customers. Further as revenues is generated by the sales department specific targets needs to be provided to them such that they can meet the aims and objectives for the organization. The marketing department is responsible for delivering services to customers. human resource department needs to frequently evaluate performance of employees and staffs such that they are able to increase productivity and engage in the business in a motivated manner. The role of the HR department also includes catering to job design, employee motivation and employee engagement for enhanced effectiveness to the business. There are certain business changes that are proposed for the current business process architecture. Such processes that can be integrated into the business includes Master Data, support and Management Processes. A master data will allow to integrate various concepts and data that is provided within the business. Master data will allow scope of Data analytics and formation of strategies accordingly. Support systems by a professional consultant will allow to integrate external factors and competitive strategizing for the business scope. A Management Processes needs to be followed for the entire business such that information and communication flows effectively and customer satisfaction goals are met. Management processes that needs to be included is primarily focused on professionalism aspects such that tasks are completed and conflicts are avoided. Management processes for conflicts and grievances settlement procedures needs to be followed. Solution Considerations Analyzing the scope of performance and reviewing current situation at the organization reflects that there is improper framework within the same(Van Der Aalst, 2007). The Company needs to adopt a proper Business Process Framework that allows delegation of roles and responsibilities for compliance on duties such that it can generate revenues for its business and gain customer satisfaction regarding the same. The proposed solution that involves incorporating in a Management Processes along with support system will allow to integrate separate departments and processes within the business enterprise framework and generate high amounts of impact for the same. Once the consideration has been taken into being for the scope and purpose of the business there will be immense amounts of impact that will be created. The Management Processes and support system will help attain to customers generate revenues and sales for the business. Thus, employee time will be utilized in an effective and in efficient manner(Wang, 2008). High levels of productivity within the scope of the organization will lead to generating returns on investment and creating opportunities in terms of exploring market opportunities. Generating high amounts of profits and revenues for the business according to roles will allow accommodating in risks aspects associated with the business. As travel and tourism markets often fluctuates along with a large number of competing companies there are various risks associated with the business. Business Process Architecture will help overcome the same risks of business fluctuations by designing products and services in a manner and by deli vering values accordingly. In case the business is able to adopt its processes accordingly then it will be able to extend its competencies and occupying a stable market space(Trkman, 2010). Stable sources of revenues will allow the Company to take advantage of creating a sustainable advantage in the market. Overarching Way Proposed process changes can deliver immense amounts of benefits and value addition to the business. The proposed change will allow to integrate with the clients and enable understanding their needs as against market and industry standards. In case markets are fluctuating then the Company can devise a low costs solution for the customers such that they are able to purchase services of the Company(Jung, 2007). These process changes needs to be adopted by the Company in a rapid manner by means of staff training, technological updation and system changes. The newly designed and formed technological solutions will enable the business to adopt and cater to a large and diversified numbers of customers. Further each and every staffs as well as employees has to be given knowledge and skill updation such that they are able to accommodate and apply the new systems and structures. The most important aspect of this type of change is that employee base is able to integrate and accommodate for the same. There will be multiple processes that will be applied in the business and each and every aspect of the process application will need to be evaluated. Evaluation of processes will help accommodate for changes incorporated such that success of changes can be measured. The business process will integrate key process indicators (KPI) scores for reflecting on success of the various changes that is accommodated(Gharajedaghi, 2011). Each and every process as staff training, application of new technology, client acquisition, sales, services and other factors will have set indicators against which performance of each and every dimensions will be measured. Achievements of KPI scores will be evaluated in a periodic manner with a gap of 6 months period and thereafter a period of a year. Such targets will help meet expectations of the business and overcome the challenges that are faced previously. Recommendations Analyzing the above framework and diagnosing the pertinent challenges that are faced by the business it can easily be understood that business architecture can benefit the business a lot. The following recommendations can enable the Company overcome its current crisis situation and gain back business effectiveness such that it can reinsure profitability and professionalism in its current scopes. The current organization needs to delegate responsibilities appropriately and while adopting business architecture has to form a strategizing framework. While the lines of authority within the business still remain delusional, such needs to be reframed to allow for better strategic integration. There needs to be application of strategy brought about by business strategic and structural framework that can provide the business with value addition. While the business aims to make profits, such terms and concepts needs to be figured rather than conceptualizing. Sales figures which are prominent for the organization needs to be ascertained for generating greater amounts of revenues. Business process architecture needs to be followed diligently to allow for value integration with that of supplier and customers as well. Customer feedback needs to be taken by marketing team and not by research and development team to act on it. The organizations HR framework needs to be followed diligently such that functionalities can be performed accordingly. There are tremendous amount of clashes and irregularities in roles and responsibilities which needs to be sorted accordingly to allow for greater role performances. Overall business process framework will allow the company to adopt strategies and follow a methodical framework for the same. Reference Lists Al-Debei, M. M. 2010. Developing a unified framework of the business model concept. European Journal of Information Systems, 359-376. Amit, R. . 2015. Crafting business architecture: The antecedents of business model design. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 331-350. Becker, J. K. 2013. 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